On the Blog
by Katie Raher, PhD
At this point, we’ve officially hit summer, so I’m pretty sure that most everyone is officially done with the end of school finally. On the flip side, we’re still not officially done with shelter in place or the uncertainty of all that is COVID-19, and...
by Katie Raher, PhD
As much as the end of this very different school year filled me with sadness, I was looking forward to some of my workload lifting – both in terms of work and in terms of homeschooling my own kids. And then, fortunately, a revolution began to fight the 400 years of...
by Katie Raher, PhD
This week, I've continued to notice the sadness that seems to be everywhere as we wrap up this very unique school year. I share some stories from my world and some lovely lessons from a new children's book that have helped me. I hope they help you find some relief as...