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Simple, Sustainable, and Customizable Solutions to Help You Take Better Care of Yourself...So You Can Best Care for the Children in Your Sphere


Inward Circle: An Educator SELf-Care Journey to Cultivate More Calm, Connection, Confidence, and Contentment 

Learn tools to develop and implement your Individualized Well-being Plan (IWP) and meet the needs of the WHOLE you!

You Can and Will be Prepared to Squash the Stress from your Work and Life, so You can Increase Your Impact without Sacrificing Your Health and Happiness

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Simple, Sustainable, and Customizable Solutions to Help You Take Better Care of Yourself...So You Can Best Care for the Children in Your Sphere


Inward Circle: An Educator SELf-Care Journey to Cultivate More Calm, Connection, Confidence, and Contentment 

Learn tools to develop and implement your Individualized Well-being Plan (IWP) and meet the needs of the WHOLE you!

You Can and Will be Prepared to Squash the Stress from your Work and Life, so You can Increase Your Impact without Sacrificing Your Health and Happiness

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Sound like you?

You got into this field because you adore children and see the power of education to change lives. You have the passion, drive, and motivation to do everything you can to support kids, and you certainly have made a difference for so many kids. You're an amazing educator, and you’ve learned tons of tools to help with relationship building, curriculum, pedagogy, and behavior to help create an impact…

and yet, you haven't often been equipped with the support you need to take care of yourself, so you can keep giving your students your very best for the long haul. Without this suport, you too often feel exhausted, stressed, and overwhelmed.

While the tough realities of this field keep coming, you’re not sure how to avoid burnout and how to ensure you have both the energy and calm to continually support your students in the ways you know they’ll need. 

Can you relate?

  • You make sure to take care of every student, deadline, lesson plan, meeting, piece of paperwork, parent phone call, colleague, family member, and friend throughout your school days, but you feel like it’s impossible to find time in your packed schedule to take care of yourself, because most school structures aren’t exactly making it easy for you.
  • You know your students have tons of needs, but you often feel exhausted and frustrated as you support them, because you haven't had enough time and support to take care of your own needs and well-being.
  • You always knew that being an educator would take hard work and devotion, but you struggle to create clear and healthy work-home boundaries, leaving you often feeling burnt out from all the physical, mental, and emotional work you take home.
  • You put on your happy face to show everyone you’re “fine” to help bring joy and impact to others all day long, but on the inside, you so often feel stressed, spread too thin, and overwhelmed by all that’s on your plate, like there’s never enough you to go around.
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You know that you deserve to be on the list of people you take care of.

You know that it's time to incorporate sustainable self-care practices that consistently fill you up. 

You know that prioritizing and caring for yourself has to start happening more, so that you can most fully enjoy this profession, no matter what challenges the field of education throws your way! 

I totally get what it's like to experience the regular and more unique challenges of being an educator, because I’ve been in this field for over 20 years. For most of that time, I thought I could just handle it all and take care of everyone and everything else without taking care of myself first. I put on a happy face for the world while inside I too often felt like I was crumbling.

And I did crumble. I've had a couple rough bouts of burnout and had one epic physical and mental health crash and burn, which finally woke me up to the need to take care of myself. I started learning everything about my own social emotional growth and self-care (you know, all the stuff no one had ever taught me in all my years of grad school and PD). I took one baby step at a time and everything changed for the better…

Now I want to teach you everything I know about self-care and make sure you don’t just barely hang on, but actually thrive, during the whole year, even when school's in session.

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Here is what your school days are about to look like...

  • You have more energy, efficiency, and productivity with the many items on your to do list and therefore more time, because you embed short, simple, sustainable, and restorative self-care practices into your days.
  • You are more capable of responding to your students’ needs and the challenges of the school year with calm, clarity, and confidence and thus create more connection and impact, because you’re consistently regulated, centered, and grounded from the social emotional work you're doing.
  • You are better able to leave work at work, because you more confidently assert your needs and wants with regard to requested duties, use productivity-enhancing time management tools, and have routines and rituals that help you set clear work-home boundaries.
  • You wake up every morning with much more ease, because you feel rested, grateful, and optimistic about the day ahead.
  • You feel more genuine contentment and fulfillment in your work as an educator and in your personal life, because you see how prioritizing yourself allows you to give the world the best of you rather than simply what’s left of you.
I know that, even if you believe all of this is possible, you might feel like you can just push through and deal with all of the stress of being an educator for the long haul
…but it doesn’t have to be that way
I struggled with prioritizing my own care for most of my career, until I discovered it really didn’t have to be that way, and in fact, realized that building in regular self-care, and nurturing my own social emotional learning, was far better for not only me, but also for my students and everyone else in my world.

Now you can cultivate more self-care in your world with help

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Curious about who your teacher will be? 

Hi there! I'm Dr. Katie Raher, an award-winning teacher turned School Psychologist who is super passionate about bringing growth, well-being, and equity to children in schools. I finally stopped career-long self-neglect and took a journey to more peace, energy, and fulfillment by learning to prioritize myself and my self-care. I never imagined myself as the kind of person who would be the champion for self-care, as I used to have judgment, and especially self-judgment, about spending time on me instead of giving every ounce of my being to improving the lives of others. I thought I could use my sheer will power and grit to just override any of my body’s cues for more rest and relaxation. So I chugged along, paying lip service to the coping tools I advocated for kids and colleagues for the first 15 years or so of my career.

And then, in 2016, after nearly a decade of chronic headaches and sleep deprivation, a couple years of chronic pain, unending stress and exhaustion, increasing anxiety, and total overwhelm and burnout, I was sitting with a too-full bladder in an IEP meeting that I’d literally jogged to in order to make it on time, and I started to convulse (I’d later find out that my blood sugar was crashing because I’d also skipped a meal for the umpteenth time as I ran between meetings). My intuition started to yell at me, “What in the world is going on?!” And for the first time in who knows how long, I started to listen. I tuned in. I realized enough was enough. I could no longer work, and live, like this.

Everything changed in that moment. Over the next few months, I stopped neglecting myself and started giving myself the priority, self-love, and self-care I deserved. Ever since, I’ve been on quite the journey – which is still ongoing as any self-care journey is. On my path, I’ve discovered the steps it takes to cultivate more energy and calm, and in turn have seen the greater impact I’ve been able to make on the children in my professional and personal worlds. I founded Constant Love and Learning with a major goal of improving educators’ well-being. Today, I have taught, coached, and supported thousands of educators just like you, using all I know as a career educator, social emotional learning expert, and most of all well-being warrior who has essentially gotten a self-created PhD in self-care that has combined the research with my intuitive wisdom. And now I’m excited to support you on your self-care journey, so you can cultivate resilience and joy, and give your students the very best of you rather than just what's left of you.

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I am so enjoying your program and it feels like it’s exactly what I needed to work with my life right now. In my head I was caught up with how well-being was supposed to look like. I was ignoring how much joy I was getting from little things. You gave us permission to honor however it looks like for us. I'm happy there are many of us here to soak up these little gems into our lifestyles. I know you're in the trenches with us and I really honor you shining the light on the path to our highest good. Thank you for being such a lovely human. :)

~ Arezu, Speech Language Pathologist


Inward Circle: A Self-Care Journey for Educators

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A 10-Module Well-being Program for Educators that...

>replaces feelings of stress and overwhelm with a heavy dose of self-love and several simple, sustainable, and customizable self-care solutions that take an average of only 5-15 minutes a day

>will help you feel the well-being you deserve as a human and create the kind of impact you’ve always dreamed of in your work with children and in your life


So say goodbye to self-neglect and exhaustion, because more calm, connection, and contentment are waiting for you, even during the school year.


INWARD CIRCLE is all about steadily transitioning on the inside

...from overwhelmed and tense 😞 an educator filled up with more energy, serenity, and emotional bandwidth to most fully affect change in children’s lives 🥰

...while also experiencing the professional and personal joy and satisfaction you deserve 😍


I know that you’ve tried to prioritize yourself and tried a few self-care practices.
You’re probably thinking this all sounds too good to be true, and that just because these tools worked for me doesn’t mean they will work for you.

Here's the thing. You don’t have to take my word for it, because other educators like you have been part of my educator well-being support and gotten the same result... 

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This came at exactly the right time in my career. Instead of feeling like switching careers and getting out of school psychology or education entirely, I learned a wealth of skills and information around self-care, and in 10 weeks, I went from overwhelmed and frazzled in my daily life to calm and able to handle stressful situations with more ease. I now feel that I have the tools to manage difficult times and it is within my power to maintain balance and calm.

~ Aimee, School Psychologist

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This program was great!! I had such a good feeling being part of it. Dr. Raher is so awesome and very supportive. The meditations and constant reminders of how important to be mindful of my own needs is what I enjoyed most. Dr. Raher always made time to respond to my questions and has put so much time to put this program together for the well-being of providers like myself. Others have to try this program!! It will definitely change how they feel about themselves and how valuable it is to take care of ourselves in order for us to take care of the children in our care.

~ Dey, Teacher

Here's how Inward Circle works...

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10 Core Lessons

For each of the 10 modules, you will get a 20-45 minute video lesson that you can listen to at a time that works for you. In addition to big picture concepts, I will explicity lay out action steps you can choose from, so you can enact more tangible well-being weekly. If you would like to see the scope and sequence across the 10 modules, scroll on down. Did I mention you'll also have a year of access to the recordings?!

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10 Guided Meditations

You’ll get 10 pre-recorded guided meditations (12 minutes or less), covering a wide range of mindfulness types. You get to try the various practices to see which ones rejuvinate you and keep you grounded each school day and beyond, and continue to practice the ones you love throughout your year of access. With the included mobile app, you can also enjoy these anywhere and at any time.

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10 Quick & Easy Guided Practices

You'll also get 10 pre-recorded quick and easy self-care tools (5 minutes or less) to try and can determine which practices feel restorative and would be a good addition to your habits on the regular. You can listen whenever you'd like during your year of access, and you'll get the scripts for these to make them super easy to use any time, including with colleagues or students, so you're prepared to cultivate calm for them too! 

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Independent Practice

You'll get access to 30+ "worksheets" (including your Individualized Well-being Plan [IWP] template pages, an assessment to help you evaluate the guided practices, progress monitoring habit trackers, time management tools, and so much more) and other "homework" prompts, so you can practice new tools, develop and take action steps that work best for you, create positive habits that stick, and feel more fulfilled in your career and life.

You'll also get these BONUSES...

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"Assemblies" with Guest Speakers

You will have access to interviews with 18 guest speakers who are experts in various topics of well-being and who will provide you with a sampling of practices and strategies. So instead of spending a fortune to learn these different modalities on your own, I've brought them to you to help you find what works best for uniquely filling you up. You can "attend" any of these "assemblies," or skip any that don't light you up.

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Mini Social Emotional Learning Training

In this self-paced, on-demand training, you'll get an introduction to social and emotional learning, why feelings matter, how feelings connect to behaviors, and how to use the 7 Kimochis® Keys to Communication to help your students (and you!) communicate feelings with care and behavior is transformed and kids become more confident, connected, and compassionate.

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More Free Printables

You'll get access to additional printables that can be used to support you in your work. There will be a few freebies on Educator SELf-Care above and beyond what's in Inward Circle and some for social emotional learning with kids. This printable library will continue to grow over the years so you can easily come back to it any time when you're looking for resources to use for yourself, colleagues, and students.

Ready to Go Inward?

I'm ready to take a self-care journey!

Check out the scope and sequence for this 10-module self-care journey... 

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Week One

Squashing Stress and Increasing Impact by Committing to Self-Care within a Supportive Circle

We’ll dig into the evidence on stress and burnout in the education profession, survey where you typically land in the stress zone, identify your why for being in this field as well as your needs and wants, take back control over how you are able to cope with the stress of being an educator by prioritizing the whole you, and set intentions for your self-care journey, so that you can have more calm, more energy, and more impact on the children you love so dearly.

Week Two

Rooting into Your VISION 

(Values, Intuition, Strengths, and Interests for your Own Narrative)

We’ll tune into your values, intuitive wisdom, and special gifts and preferences and use these as guiding forces in creating customized goals for your Individualized Well-being Plan (IWP), and begin to identify the types of self-care that will work for you, so you get more of what you need and desire on your unique journey.

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Week Three

Taking Actions to Sprout Steady Growth

We’ll look at the science of how to grow helpful habits and untangle unhelpful habits so that you can steadily cultivate self-love through your daily actions. We'll also work to make certain regular parts of your day – such as morning, the switch between work and home, and evening – flow with more ease, predictability, and rhythm, so you can feel as rejuvenated as possible at many anchoring moments in your day.

Week Four

Tuning In to Your Body’s Wisdom and Responding with Love

We’ll practice listening to your whole body’s amazing wisdom and explore simple strategies to improve sleep, nutrition, hydration, movement, and generally how you respond to your body's cues, so that you have a solid core of physical well-being from which to draw to support your mental, emotional, spiritual, relational, and work well-being.

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Week Five

Presence over Perfection for Emotional Wellness

We’ll dismantle the views that perfectionism and pushing non-stop are what is best for our profession and transition to a model of focusing on the present moment with pause and non-judgmental curiosity, so you can feel more content and more confident in responding to your life and your students in a way that creates more connection and transformation.

Week Six

Shifting Thought Patterns and Cultivating a Positive Mindset

We’ll examine additional thought patterns that have allowed for self-preservation and that can be shifted through active practicing of positivity, through gratitude, self-talk, laughter, and much more, so you can feel more fulfilled in your work in schools and life beyond the school day.

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Week Seven

Maximizing Productivity, Play, and Peace through Planning and Time Management

We’ll practice honoring the need for making a difference, learning, entertainment, and rest, and we’ll look at various time management tools to help maximize productivity, so you can enjoy the benefits of more effective work-home boundaries and have ample time for the play and peace that are so very needed for your well-being and ability to create impact.

Week Eight

Bonds and Boundaries that Support Your Growth

We’ll actively seek to surround ourselves with people who nurture and support us, explore ways to provide bidirectional help when needed, and establish least restrictive relationships by setting clear and much needed boundaries with confident kindness, so you feel connected but not drained in your work with colleagues and even in your home life.

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Week Nine

Individualized Well-being Plan (IWP): Celebrating and Sustaining Your Self-Care Journey

We’ll celebrate your prioritization of self-care and progress on your journey, refine the comprehensive plan for what will work best for your well-being at this time, decide on action steps to ensure optimal implementation throughout the school year, and commit to staying on this path, so you can sustain the benefits of self-care all year long.

Week Ten

Spreading Seeds for Collective Well-being

We'll integrate all we’ve learned and discuss how to advocate and lead the way for more collective well-being as a foundational part of the climate of your school or organization, so that you can see more powerful ripple effects on colleagues, and in turn, students and families across your entire community.

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Check out the scope and sequence for this 10-week self-care journey... 

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Week One

Squashing Stress and Increasing Impact by Committing to Self-Care within a Supportive Circle

We’ll dig into the evidence on stress and burnout in the education profession, survey where you typically land in the stress zone, identify your why for being in this field as well as your needs and wants, take back control over how you are able to cope with the stress of being an educator by prioritizing the whole you, and set intentions for your self-care journey, so that you can have more calm, more energy, and more impact on the children you love so dearly.

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Week Two

Rooting into Your VISION 

(Values, Intuition, Strengths, and Interests for your Own Narrative)

We’ll tune into your values, intuitive wisdom, and special gifts and preferences and use these as guiding forces in creating customized goals for your Individualized Well-being Plan (IWP), and begin to identify the types of self-care that will work for you, so you get more of what you need and desire on your unique journey.

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Week Three

Taking Actions to Sprout Steady Growth

We’ll look at the science of how to grow helpful habits and untangle unhelpful habits so that you can steadily cultivate self-love through your daily actions. We'll also work to make certain regular parts of your day – such as morning, the switch between work and home, and evening – flow with more ease, predictability, and rhythm, so you can feel as rejuvenated as possible at many anchoring moments in your day.

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Week Four

Tuning In to Your Body’s Wisdom and Responding with Love

We’ll practice listening to your whole body’s amazing wisdom and explore simple strategies to improve sleep, nutrition, hydration, movement, and generally how you respond to your body's cues, so that you have a solid core of physical well-being from which to draw to support your mental, emotional, spiritual, relational, and work well-being.

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Week Five

Presence over Perfection for Emotional Wellness

We’ll dismantle the views that perfectionism and pushing non-stop are what is best for our profession and transition to a model of focusing on the present moment with pause and non-judgmental curiosity, so you can feel more content and more confident in responding to your life and your students in a way that creates more connection and transformation.

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Week Six

Shifting Thought Patterns and Cultivating a Positive Mindset

We’ll examine additional thought patterns that have allowed for self-preservation and that can be shifted through active practicing of positivity, through gratitude, self-talk, laughter, and much more, so you can feel more fulfilled in your work in schools and life beyond the school day.

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Week Seven

Maximizing Productivity, Play, and Peace through Planning and Time Management

We’ll practice honoring the need for making a difference, learning, entertainment, and rest, and we’ll look at various time management tools to help maximize productivity, so you can enjoy the benefits of more effective work-home boundaries and have ample time for the play and peace that are so very needed for your well-being and ability to create impact.

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Week Eight

Bonds and Boundaries that Support Your Growth

We’ll actively seek to surround ourselves with people who nurture and support us, explore ways to provide bidirectional help when needed, and set clear and much needed boundaries with confident kindness, so you feel connected but not drained in your work with colleagues and even in your home life.

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Week Nine

Individualized Well-being Plan (IWP): Celebrating and Sustaining Your Self-Care Journey

We’ll celebrate your prioritization of self-care and progress on your journey, refine the comprehensive plan for what will work best for your well-being at this time, decide on action steps to ensure optimal implementation throughout the school year, and commit to staying on this path, so you can sustain the benefits of self-care all year long.

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Week Ten

Spreading Seeds for Collective Well-being

We'll integrate all we’ve learned and discuss how to advocate and lead the way for more collective well-being as a foundational part of the climate of your school or organization, so that you can see more powerful ripple effects on colleagues, and in turn, students and families across your entire community.

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I loved Katie’s energy, positivity, and vulnerability. I enjoyed the diversity of the information that was presented and all of the printables that were provided too. Thank you, Katie! I'm so very glad that I took this course!!!

~ Stephanie, School Counselor

Ready to Go Inward?

Inward Circle

$49/month for 3 months

(Total Value: $1,374+)
Scroll Down for Pay-in-Full Discount & Buddy Pricing Options


  • 10 Core Lessons ($500 value)
  • 10 Guided Meditation Practices ($100 value)
  • 10 Guided Practices of Other “Quick and Easy” Self-Care Tools ($50 value)
  • 30+ "Worksheets" and Practice Prompts ($150 value)
  • A Year of Access so you can keep learning and practicing throughout your school year (priceless)
  • Convenient Mobile App so your self-care journey is accessible anywhere you go (priceless)


  • Professional Development Certificate (please note this is not CEUs) for 15 hours - PLUS THE OPTION TO PURCHASE CREDITS FOR SALARY ADVANCEMENT THROUGH COURSES4TEACHERS


  • 18 “Assemblies” with Recordings of Guest Speaker Interviews + links to 3 guest speaker freebies ($500 value)
  • Mini Social Emotional Learning Training Series ($49 value)
  • Additional Free Printables to Support Educator SELf-Care and SEL for Children ($25 value)
JOIN NOW - Pay Monthly

Prefer to Pay in Full and Save 5%?

JOIN NOW - Pay in Full and Save

Want to Sign Up with an Educator Buddy...

so you both get 25% off and can provide love and accountability support to each other throughout the 10-module journey and beyond?

Y'all get to work out the math on splitting the bill on your end.

Join with a Buddy - Pay in Full
Join with a Buddy - Payment Plan

Need some peace of mind?

Since I’m all about supporting your well-being, I want to make sure this course fills you up in the way that I hope it will. So, if you’re not feeling fulfilled by your purchase, you can get a full refund for up to 30 days after your purchase. No Questions Asked!

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Let's Do This!
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It’s been such a blessing to hear Katie’s story, to see how she’s applied the knowledge in a gentle way to help guide others along the same path, and to have her share her light with us at the time when we identified a need for some specific plans/ideas. She’s helped me take control back and set boundaries in ways I wasn't aware of before. Katie made not only myself better but have helped my teammates, who feel more like family. Thank you, Katie, for getting me to this space.  

~ Rachel, School Psychologist

It would be an incredible honor to be part of your self-care journey and transformation.

If you’re ready to move forward with having more calm, contentment, and fulfillment in your work as an educator, then take these steps to get started:
  1. Decide which payment option is best for you, and make the purchase. 
  2. Check your inbox, where you'll get confirmation and welcome emails with all the information you’ll need to get started to reclaim your resilience and inner peace.
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It would be an incredible honor to be part of your self-care journey and transformation.

If you’re ready to move forward with having more calm, contentment, and fulfillment in your work as an educator, then take these steps to get started:
  1. Decide which payment option is best for you, and make the purchase. 
  2. Check your inbox, where you'll get confirmation and welcome emails with all the information you’ll need to get started to reclaim your resilience and inner peace.
I'm ready to join!
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I have had the pleasure of learning from Katie. I trust her judgment and recommendations whole-heartedly and am grateful for everything she has brought to my life and my teaching. Katie is genuine and always has everyone's best interests at heart. I recommend her resources to every teacher! 

~ Allison, Elementary School Teacher

Frequently Asked Questions

>>> More than anything, what I really want for you is the self-care and self-love I’ve personally found in my life and work.
>>> You really can feel less tired and frustrated, and instead more peaceful and happy throughout the school year, even with the many challenges ahead.
>>> You really will be able to show up for your students, your colleagues, your family, and your friends with more presence and connection, so you make the huge difference you’ve always dreamed of.


If you’re ready to stop looking back at a school year filled with far too much overwhelm and exhaustion, and ready to start moving forward to more well-being at work and beyond, then I’m ready to support you on that journey. Let’s do this together!
I'm ready to join!
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I truly appreciated the depth and breadth of this course. You covered so much content that is useful, practical, and accessible. There were a range of options that you could pick from to help develop/expand your self-care plan. I loved the resources for staff. Thank you so much! I have already recommended this course to friends.

~ Karen, School Psychologist